Benefits for students of the WSEI Academy in Lublin

1. Legal basis

  • art. 86–95 ustawy z dnia 20 lipca 2018 r. – Prawo o szkolnictwie wyższym i nauce (Dz. U. z 2023 r. poz. 742, z późn. zm.),
  • ustawa z dnia 28 listopada 2003 r. o świadczeniach rodzinnych (Dz. U. z 2023 r. poz. 390, z późn. zm.) – w zakresie zasad ustalania wysokości miesięcznego dochodu na osobę w rodzinie,
  • student benefits regulations set by the rector in consultation with the student government,
  • ustawa z dnia 14 czerwca 1960 r. Kodeks postępowania administracyjnego (Dz. U. z 2023 r. poz. 775, z późn. zm.) – to carry out administrative procedures for the granting of benefits

3. Benefit recipients

Students of public and non-public higher education institutions, as well as of higher education institutions and higher seminaries run by churches and other religious associations, are entitled to benefits if the law or an agreement so provides.
Benefits can be received by full-time and part-time students, regardless of age, pursuing first- and second-cycle studies and single master’s degrees.

Benefits are not available to students who are:

  • professional soldiers who have undertaken their studies on the basis of a referral by the competent military authority and have received assistance in connection with their studies under military service regulations,
  • soldiers called up for voluntary compulsory military service referred to in Article 95(4)(1) of the Act of 11 March 2022 on the Defence of the Fatherland, or professional soldiers performing military service at the military academy in which they are studying
  • public servants in candidate service or who are public servants who have undertaken their studies on the basis of a referral or approval from a competent superior and have received assistance in connection with their studies under the service regulations.

4. Rules for applying for benefits

Benefits are available for first-cycle studies, second-cycle studies and uniform master’s studies, for a total of 12 semesters, regardless of the student’s intake.

Within this period, benefits are available for studies:

  • first degree – no longer than 9 semesters;
  • Second degree – no longer than 7 semesters.

If a student has undertaken a single master’s degree programme, the duration of which, as stipulated by law, is 11 or 12 semesters (e.g. in medical faculties), the total period for which benefits are due is increased by 2 semesters, i.e. a total of 14 semesters.

The period of 12 semesters (or 14 semesters in the case of a single master’s programme lasting 11 or 12 semesters) during which a student is entitled to benefits begins when the student commences his/her studies and acquires student rights for the first time (in the first field of study). The period during which a student is entitled to benefits includes all semesters of study which the student has commenced, including semesters during which the student has taken leave from classes. An exception to this is semesters of subsequent first-cycle study commenced or continued after the first bachelor’s, engineer’s or equivalent degree (subsequent first-cycle study does not count towards the period of entitlement). In the case of study in more than one course of study, semesters taken concurrently are treated as one semester.

A student with a professional degree is not entitled to benefits:

  • Master’s degree, Master of Engineering or equivalent,
  • Bachelor’s degree, engineer’s degree or equivalent if he/she is re-entering a first degree programme.

An exception has been made to the above rules regarding entitlement to a disability grant. If the disability arose during the course of study or after the completion of a degree, the student may receive a scholarship for persons with disabilities for an additional period of 12 semesters. When assessing entitlement to a disability grant for an additional period, it is the moment when the disability arose and not the date of the certificate confirming the above fact that is important. The date or period when the disability arose is determined on the basis of the content of the aforementioned certificate.

The provisions on the duration of benefits shall apply mutatis mutandis to students who have studied or obtained their degrees abroad.

A student who is simultaneously studying at several fields of study may receive a benefit of a given type (e.g. maintenance grant) only at one field of study indicated by him/her. A student may receive a given benefit (e.g. a maintenance grant) in one field of study and another benefit (e.g. a rector’s grant) in another field of study, including at another university.

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