Social Security Scholarship

The rules for awarding a social security scholarship are regulated by:

  1. The Act of July 20, 2018. Law on higher education and science
  2. Regulations on benefits for students of Lublin WSEI University
  3. Appendix No. 1 to the Regulations on benefits for students of WSEI University. Detailed rules for determining the income entitling to apply for a social security scholarship.

The social security scholarship may be applied for by foreigners who meet at least one of the conditions specified in in Article 324 of the Act of July 20, 2018. Law on Higher Education and Science – please check the current provisions in the Act.

If you meet at least one of the conditions specified in Article 324 of the Act of July 20, 2018, and you are a student and in a difficult financial situation, you may receive a social security scholarship.

The amount of monthly income in the 2024/2025 academic year that entitles you to a social security scholarship is PLN 1,570.50 per person in your family.

Family members include:

  1. the student,
  2. the student’s spouse,
  3. parents, subject to § 15, legal or actual guardians of the student,
  4. the dependents of the persons referred to in letters a-c, minor children, children studying up to the age of 26, and if the 26th year falls in the last year of study, until their graduation, and disabled children regardless of age.

You can apply without documenting the income of others in your family if you meet at least one of the following conditions:

  1. turned 26 years of age,
  2. is married,
  3. has dependent children referred to in § 15 paragraph 1 item 4,
  4. has reached the age of adulthood while in foster care,
  5. has a regular source of income and his average monthly income in the previous tax year and in the current year in the months preceding the month of submission of the statement referred to in paragraph 3 is higher than or equal to 1.15 of the sum of the amounts specified in Article 5 paragraph 1 and Article 6 paragraph 2 item 3 of the Act of November 28, 2003 on family benefits.

If the monthly per capita income in your family does not exceed the amount of PLN 600, you are required to submit a certificate on the use of social assistance benefits by him or her or by members of his or her family in the year of this application, issued by a social assistance center or by a social services center. If you do not attach such a certificate, the rector or the scholarship committee or the scholarship appeal committee is obliged to refuse to grant the social security scholarship.

Full-time students who are in a difficult financial situation and qualify for a social security scholarship may receive a social security scholarship in an increased amount if the daily commute from the place of permanent residence to the university would make it impossible or significantly difficult to study and therefore move to the locality where the school is located. However, in order to obtain a social security scholarship in an increased amount, you must meet the criteria for a social security scholarship, as it is not a separate scholarship.

When determining the income of a student’s family, it should be borne in mind, among other things, that per capita income in a student’s family when awarding a social security scholarship is determined on the basis of the sources of income listed in the Act of November 28, 2003 on family benefits. In addition, Article 88 paragraph 1 item 1 of the Law – Law on Higher Education and Science defines a closed catalog of persons whose income is taken into account when awarding a social security scholarship. However, the student and his family members may have means of subsistence from sources outside the catalog specified in the regulations (e.g. from parental benefits, family benefits, savings accumulated in bank accounts, donations received, student loans).

It should also be noted that a social security scholarship awarded at a university constitutes family income within the meaning of the Social Welfare Act, so receiving this form of support may limit a student’s ability to apply for a social welfare benefit.

Among other things, you cannot receive a scholarship if you:
  1. Your income is higher than the income criterion for a social security scholarship.
  2. You hold a title:
    1. master’s degree, master’s degree in engineering or equivalent;
    2. bachelor’s degree, engineer’s degree or equivalent, if resuming first degree studies.
  3. You have been studying for more than 12 semesters, regardless of whether you have previously received scholarships and/or aid grants, with the proviso that within the 12-semester period, benefits are available for studies:
    1. first degree – no longer than for 9 semesters;
    2. second degree – no longer than for 7 semesters.
The total period referred to above is longer by 2 semesters if the student has taken a single master’s degree program, the duration of which, as prescribed by law, is 11 or 12 semesters.
  1. The period referred to in paragraph 3 includes all semesters started by the student in studies, including semesters falling during the period of use of dean’s leaves, with the exception of semesters in consecutive first degree studies started or continued after obtaining the first bachelor’s, engineer’s or equivalent degree. In the case of education in several fields of study, semesters taken simultaneously are treated as one semester.
  2. You are not a student, e.g. after being removed from the list of students or after obtaining a degree/dissertation defense, or you have not completed the formalities necessary for admission to the university.
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