Traineeships abroad

Rules of implementing traineeships mobility

Rules of implementing traineeships mobility

Students of the WSEI University have the opportunity to apply for an ERASMUS + scholarship to go on traineeships to foreign institutions/enterprises in the 2024/2025 academic year. Students’ mobility for traineeships takes place in accordance with the “Eligibility rules on the student mobility of WSEI University for studies / student work placements / internships abroad” for the 2024/2025 academic year. The duration of the traineeships: from 5 days to 12 months. The scholarships are intended to co-finance the costs of stay abroad incurred by the student (travel, insurance, accommodation, meals).

Each student qualified is guaranteed to get credit for an traineeships completed at the host institution.

Countries where the traineeships can be carried out:

  • 27 European Union member states;
  • Third countries associated with the program: Northern Macedonia, Serbia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Turkey;
  • Third countries not affiliated with the Program with the exception of countries in Regions 5 and 14*.
    *European Comission website, Erasmus+, Eligible countires, (dostęp 29.09.2023r.)

The traineeships CANNOT be carried out in:

  • institutions of the European Union,
  • managing authorities of European Union programs,
  • diplomatic missions of the student’s home country,

Recruitment schedule for an traineeships  under the Erasmus + Program:

  1. Submission of application documents by students;
  2. Written and oral exam in a foreign language (does not apply to people who have a certificate (at least B2 level) in English or another language in which the traineeships will take place); The certificate cannot be older than 2 years;
  3. Verification of application documents and test results;
  4. Announcement of the recruitment results.

Deadlines for submission of application documents

Application documents should be submitted by candidates to the Center of Projects and International Cooperation (1st floor, room 103) or through email at by:

  • by 31st March 2025 for traineeships in the 2024/2025 academic year

Documents submitted after this date will be accepted only if there are any vacancies left, taking into account the date when documents were submitted and provided that the qualifying criteria are met.

Minimal formal requirements (traineeships)

A student/graduate who would like to do a traineeships under the Erasmus+ Program may go to a foreign company or institution that has expressed a desire to accept students for an traineeships  under the Erasmus+ Program in the Letter of Intent document.

In the Erasmus + programme can participate:

  • first- and second-cycle full-time and part-time students,
  • so-called “recent graduates” – they must join the recruitment process in their final year of study, i.e. before graduation, and complete the traineeship within a period not exceeding 1 year from graduation

When going abroad under the Erasmus+ Program, the student cannot be on Dean’s leave, must have completed all the previous subjects from the semester preceding the departure and must have settled financial and legal issues.

Recruitment for traineeships abroad

In order to go on a traineeships under the Erasmus+ Program and receive the mobility financing (Erasmus+ student scholarship) a student should:

  1. submit application documents consisting of:
    • completed application form for the academic year 2024/2025 along with information on the average grade for the last 2 or 4 semesters of study (certified by the relevant Dean’s office).
    • submit the certificate of knowledge of English or the language of the country to which the student wants to go to (if the student has such a document). More information on this can be found in the “Language Requirements” tab.
  2. demonstrate a good command of a foreign language and a good average grades. Minor deviations from this rule are possible when the student has specific educational or scientific plans related to the mobility, a very good opinion and the supervisor’s recommendation.

Candidates are assessed by the Recruitment Committee. The following criteria are taken into account during the selection:

  • knowledge of a foreign language in which the studies or traineeships will be conducted,
  • academic performance – average grades (2 or 4 last semesters),
  • Rector’s scholarships


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