Nursing – Warsaw Branch


Nursing – Warsaw Branch

First-cycle studies


Faculty of Human Sciences

Form of study

Full-time studies

Duration of studies

3 years / 6 semesters

Obtained degree

Bachelor's degree

Language of studies

Polish, English




Bringing help to another person-this is how the profession of nursing can be described in a nutshell. The need to help and a big heart are necessary qualities that a candidate applying for a job in this profession should have. The nursing profession is a profession with a future. The constant shortage of staff in hospitals and clinics makes the professional position of nurses grow, including their salaries. This gives the entire professional group an incentive for further education, and encourages employers to offer increasingly favorable employment conditions and career advancement. Today there is room for academic achievement and a career in this profession.

Why choose this field of study?

Classes conducted by committed, qualified and professional staff. Direct contact with the patient is preceded by exercises in simulated conditions, using high-quality materials and equipment, using realistic scenarios, which increases the patient's sense of safety and the comfort of the student and future apprentice.

Practical classes are held in small groups and under the supervision of an academic teacher with an individual approach to the student. Practical classes and professional internships are held in multi-profile and highly specialized hospitals, thanks to which students have the opportunity to participate in and observe innovative medical treatments and procedures. The student does not pay additional fees for professional internships.

Hospitals and other institutions with which cooperation is conducted in this area:

  • Wolski Hospital named after Anna Gostyńska
  • Specialist Hospital named after the Holy Family
  • Children's Hospital named after Prof. Jan Bogdanowicz
  • Institute of Mother and Child - Warsaw
  • Warsaw Medical Care Center "KOPERNIK" Sp. z o.o.
  • Provincial Infectious Disease Hospital in Warsaw
  • Warsaw Health Center
  • Hospice of Divine Providence - Orion Fathers
  • Crèches Complex of the Capital City of Warsaw
  • Independent Public Health Care Complex in Pruszków
  • Capital Care and Treatment Center
  • Hospital of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Wołomin
  • Konstancin-Zdrój S.A. Spa
  • "Children's Health Center Monument" Institute
  • Ks. Anna Mazowiecka Clinical Hospital
  • Military Medical Institute - State Research Institute
  • Social Welfare Home in Żyrzyn

The university is conveniently located in the very center of Warsaw.

Completion of studies allows you to continue your education at second-cycle studies and to undertake postgraduate education.


The study program includes:

  • modules and university-wide courses (Module A – basic sciences and B – social sciences and humanities);
  • modules and basic courses (Module C – basic nursing care);
  • modules and specialized courses (Module D – specialist care);
  • optional modules, including a module related to preparing and defending a diploma;
  • practical classes and professional internships.

The modular education system combines learning practical skills with acquiring the necessary theoretical knowledge and its application in specific professional situations. An integral part of the module are classes mostly conducted by practitioners, which allows for a more efficient implementation of the education process, because the student has the opportunity to master a greater number of practical skills

Career prospects

Graduates are prepared to practice their profession independently and to work in public and non-public health care institutions in accordance with the principles of general and professional ethics, with respect and observance of patients' rights. He speaks English at the B1 proficiency level. He or she is also entitled to continue training in the system of continuing education for nurses and to obtain professional specialization in accordance with the regulations in force in Poland.

Those with the described qualification have the opportunity to continue their education and obtain a qualification at EQF level 7 (MA Nursing).

The graduate is prepared to:

  • Provide health care services, in particular nursing, preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic, rehabilitative and health promotion services to healthy, sick, disabled children and adolescents and their families, in hospital, ambulatory and home health care settings;
  • practice in health care institutions, in teaching and educational environments, at work, in social welfare homes, at the patient's place of residence and stay;
  • work in the bodies of the self-government of nurses and midwives;
  • work in administrative positions that perform activities related to the preparation, organization or supervision of the provision of health care services;
  • work in public administration bodies whose scope of action includes supervision of health care;
  • work in entities obliged to finance health care services from public funds or offices serving these entities;
  • work in positions in the Inspectorate of the Military Health Service and other organizational units of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland where activities related to health care and health care are performed, as well as in the Central Board of the Prison Service and other positions of the Prison Service where activities related to the preparation, organization and supervision of the provision of health care services by a medical entity for persons deprived of liberty are performed.


Full-time studies

YearTuition fee (per year)Tuition fee (per semester)
1€ 4 500 (Euro)€ 2 250 (Euro)
2€ 4 500 (Euro)€ 2 250 (Euro)
3€ 4 500 (Euro)€ 2 250 (Euro)

REGISTRATION FEE – € 200 (no refundable)

Enrollment fee - is a non-refundable, one-time administrative fee, regardless of the course, level or mode of study. It is a prerequisite for the acceptance of documents for studies.
Annual fee - is an opportunity to pay a fee for a period of one academic year.
Semester fee - is an opportunity to pay a fee for the period of one semester of study under the standard program of study.
Installment fee - is the possibility to pay the fee in ten installments.

From the second year of study, upon the individual request of the student, it is possible to split tuition fees into instalments.



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