
First-cycle studies


Faculty of Human Sciences

Form of study

Full-time studies

Duration of studies

3 years / 6 semesters

Obtained degree

Bachelor's degree

Language of studies

Polish, English




First-degree studies in Psychology provide a wide range of knowledge useful in carrying out a variety of professions involving work for the benefit of others, as well as increasing the efficiency in organizing optimal conditions for work and development.

Why choose this field of study?

Education is carried out in accordance with the current state of knowledge in the field of Psychology and its applications in various dimensions of human life. Here we use state-of-the-art equipment that forms a network of laboratories and which are applied both in didactics and research; we stimulate students' individual activity and build relations with the socio-economic environment, with the perspective of future employment of our graduates.


The graduate will be equipped with knowledge, skills and competencies, which provide qualifications to conduct training and consulting services in the field of key business competencies and planning and conducting training for employees and managers; conducting teambuilding; improving competencies in task planning and organization of work and leisure time; preparing and conducting motivational training, developing presentation skills, conducting training in public speaking; developing entrepreneurial and leadership competencies at various managerial levels, supporting conflict management, supporting change processes in companies; recruiting and assessing the competencies and qualifications of personnel, creating reports and statements on recruitment, acting as an assessor in Assessment Center, planning career paths, conducting career counseling for adults; career counseling in school or psychological-pedagogical counseling center (after obtaining pedagogical qualifications and completing appropriate specialized training or postgraduate studies in this area); conducting training in soft skills, customer service, sales of products and services, assertiveness; conducting assessment and improvement of the image of the product, brand and company; using the media in the process of business communication, preparing information for the media.

The graduate will be equipped with the knowledge, skills and competencies to: diagnose problems of social maladjustment; organize and implement specialized psychopedagogical activities in the field of re-socialization, which may prove useful in various areas of professional activity undertaken in educational, socialization, preventive, sociotherapeutic and re-socialization institutions; carry out environmental activities for people at risk of social exclusion and maladjustment; cooperate in specialized interdisciplinary teams; construct, monitor and evaluate preventive and re-socialization programs.

Graduates will be equipped with the knowledge, skills and competencies that build qualifications in: designing and creating a variety of tools to influence the consumer; planning effective advertising and marketing campaigns; executing and managing a variety of marketing strategies; researching the effectiveness of advertising and marketing campaigns; creating the image of institutions (economic, social, political) and public figures; or creative problem solving for marketing strategies.

Graduates will be equipped with knowledge (including the essence of health and disease, psychological mechanisms underlying pro-health behaviors, protective factors and risk factors in the context of various health disorders, and strategies and methods for stimulating pro-health attitudes and behaviors), skills (including. identifying and diagnosing risk factors and protective factors; supporting a person struggling with the experience of danger and illness; stimulating personal responsibility for the quality of life; and building systemic solutions for health prevention), and competencies (including responsible support for activities in promoting pro-health behaviors and cooperating with various specialists in the creation of social policies that promote social health).

Career prospects

EMPLOYMENT PERSPECTIVES are different for each specialization:

  • Psychology in business - a graduate of this specialization is a potential: trainer or consultant-specialist in training institutions, personnel manager supporting personnel development and managing human resources in personnel departments (human resources) of large companies and corporations; advisor and specialist in business environment institutions, labor market, labor offices, state and local administration; motivational trainer, personal image and self-presentation consultant, public communication assistant; entrepreneurship trainer, leadership trainer; independent entrepreneur, running his own company or business. Consultant in conflict management and change processes; career counselor, career counseling specialist in consulting companies, specialist in companies and centers for recruitment of personnel and search for key specialists, ("head hunting"); career counselor (after obtaining additional authorizations also in schools);
  • Psychology in resocialization - studies within the scope of this specialization prepare to work as educators in educational, socialization, preventive, re-socialization institutions; they enable the performance of professional activities of a professional, social, family and juvenile probation officer (after supplementing with a qualification course), as well as improve activities carried out within non-governmental institutions and aimed at preventing social maladjustment;
  • Psychology in advertising and marketing - a graduate of the specialization is thus prepared to work in: advertising agencies; the media; sales and marketing companies; consulting firms;
  • Psychology in health promotion - specialization provides preparation for work, e.g. as a representative for prevention or in the department dealing with prevention in municipal offices; in the sector of non-governmental organizations dealing with prevention and health promotion; in conducting educational and preventive programs in educational institutions (after obtaining pedagogical rights); or conducting business activities related to health promotion, health education and addiction prevention.


Full-time studies

YearTuition fee (per year)Tuition fee (per semester)
1€ 3 700 (Euro)€ 1 850 (Euro)
2€ 3 700 (Euro)€ 1 850 (Euro)
3€ 3 700 (Euro)€ 1 850 (Euro)

REGISTRATION FEE – € 200 (no refundable)

Enrollment fee - is a non-refundable, one-time administrative fee, regardless of the course, level or mode of study. It is a prerequisite for the acceptance of documents for studies.
Annual fee - is an opportunity to pay a fee for a period of one academic year.
Semester fee - is an opportunity to pay a fee for the period of one semester of study under the standard program of study.
Installment fee - is the possibility to pay the fee in ten installments.

From the second year of study, upon the individual request of the student, it is possible to split tuition fees into instalments.



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