Innovative support and education for parents of children with disabilities through informal advising

Innovative support and education for parents of children with disabilities through informal advising

Implementation period

01.10.2024 - 30.09.2026

Project objective

The main goal of the project is to expand support, counseling and educational services for parents of children with disabilities. The project aims to support parents in solving their children’s problems using informal counseling and information and communication technologies. Additionally, the project aims to support the social integration of parents of children with disabilities and encourage them to use non-formal education throughout their lives.

Target groups

  1. Informal advisors supporting parents of children with special educational needs.
  2. Specialists from partner organizations, specialists working with families of disabled children, educational institutions, non-governmental organizations, employment offices, supported employment agencies, advisory organizations for people with special educational needs.
  3. Employers, including sheltered workshops and workplaces, professional bodies, local authorities, municipalities, umbrella organization supporting families with children with special educational needs.

Project results

  1. The IPAR Comprehensive Training Programme for informal advisors for parents of children with disabilities containing
    • The IPAR Theoretical and Methodological Manual – Informal advisors for parents of children with disabilities
    • The IPAR Practical Training Programme for informal advisors for parents of children with disabilities
  2. The IPAR Review and Recommendations for Application Practice

Project partners

  • KIRIKKALE UNIVERSITY, Turkey – project lider
  • Dezavantajli Gruplari Anlama ve Sosyal Destek Dernegi (DEGDER) – Turkey
  • Spolupracou pre lepsiu buducnost – Velky Meder – Slovakia
  • Sosyolojik Arastirmalar Merkezi Derneg- Turkey
  • Lubelska Akademia WSEI – Poland


Centre of Projects and International Cooperation
Tel. 081 749 32 51

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