Professional Tool for effective career development „PATH”

Project implemented within the framework of the "Erasmus+" Programme. KA220-VET – vocational education

Professional Tool for effective career development „PATH”

Implementation period

01.01.2022 - 31.12.2024

Project objective

The main objective of the project is to improve the quality of the process aimed at determining the capabilities, talents and interests of students of secondary schools/vocational schools/universities/post-secondary schools (youth up to 26 years of age) and adults, as well as conducting career counselling and career planning by creating a modern (standardised for a representative group) modular system for analysis, diagnosis and education in the field of career counselling, which would also support the work of career counsellors.

Target groups

  • Secondary schools: upper secondary schools, post-secondary schools, vocational schools
  • Students/youth up to 26 years of age (especially those who have problems deciding on a career)
  • Adults
  • Career advisors, psychologists, HR employees

Project results

  • Model of predispositions and leading competencies for professions
  • Modular system for diagnostics, analysis and education with elements of career counselling in the form of an online tool
  • Graphic and technical design of the tool
  • Methodological guide for career counsellors
  • Practical handbook for teachers and career counsellors
  • Practical handbook for users-infographics

Project partners

  1. Vesttorget Marked AS – Norway
  2. Kentro Epagematikis Katartisis Dias Epe – Greece
  3. Eduforma SRL – Italy
  4. University of Economics and Innovation in Lublin, Poland


Centre of Projects and International Cooperation
Tel. 081 749 32 49

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