Project implemented within the framework of the "Erasmus+" Programme. KA220-VET – vocational education

Software Testing Academy

Implementation period

01.02.2022 - 01.10.2024

Project objective

The goal of the “Software Testing Academy” project is to develop personalized online courses supporting the knowledge and skills of a future software tester. Educational materials will be based on an analysis of market needs and current needs and expectations of employers.

Target groups

Students, vocational school students, young adults, unemployed people – interested in acquiring the knowledge and skills of a future software tester.

Project results

  • Pathways for Newcomers – an innovative training model for people who want to acquire new knowledge and develop professionally in the field of software testing. The program will define the required skills and knowledge required by software testing specialists.
  • Training materials and resources: containing a dynamic, engaging curriculum that will cover different levels of knowledge, provide practical skills and meet the individual needs of the student at the same time.
  • Educational platform: educational materials will be adapted to the individualized training path of each user.

Project partners

  • CEPROF – Centros Escolares de Ensino Professional LDA, Portugal – LEADER
  • Amaris Espana Estrategia e Innovacion Tecnoloica, S.L, Spain
  • QualityMinds GmbH, Germany
  • University of Economics and Innovation in Lublin, Poland



Centre of Projects and International Cooperation
Tel. 081 749 32 49

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