Other useful information

Visas in Poland

Visas in Poland are not required for all European Union citizents, however, if you wish to arrive to Poland from outside of EU, Visa is required. For more information, please follow the provided link:


Student organisations

Today we know that studies alone are not enough to achieve professional success. Long-term development is necessary in areas that are not always strictly related to the chosen field of study, as this broadens our horizons and allows us to cope better in adulthood. This possibility is offered by student organizations.

So, if you like to meet new people, develop and gain valuable professional experience and carry out interesting projects while studying in Lublin, you can join varius student’s organizations.

If you are interested you may check the following link:


Travel to Lublin

Are you looking forward to studying in Poland? Lublin is the best place for you as people here are nothing but sociable and welcoming. In order to help you to reach our beautiful city we provide you with the practical information about both living in Poland and the ways to travel to Lublin.

If you wish experience the virtual tour around the university, please follow the provided link: https://www.wsei.lublin.pl/wirtualny-spacer/

If you wish to learn what other students think about WSEI and see one of our international events, please follow the provided links:



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