Professional internships

Professional internships are aimed at:

  • Deepening and broadening the skills acquired by the student/practitioner during his/her studies and acquiring new skills through practical solution of real professional tasks (including preparation of projects);
  • Expanding the knowledge acquired during the studies;
  • Acquiring the skills and behaviors needed in the work environment (teamwork, due attitude to work and other co-participants with whom the work is performed);
  • Familiarizing trainees with the organization and functioning of the institution and its units related to the implementation of tasks directly related to the field of study and specialization;
  • Familiarization with the technical, technological and IT equipment of the institution;
  • Getting to know the professional environment, principles of professional ethics, holistic and individualized approach to people, in the process of implementation of professional internship.

Methods of implementation and completion of student internships

Internship independently arranged by the Student

A Student who arranges a professional internship on his/her own is obliged to provide, at least two weeks before the start of the professional internship, an “Application for the place of professional internship” with the consent of the Employer informing about the admission to the internship. On this basis, a Tripartite Agreement for the organization of professional internship is concluded and a set of documents for the implementation of the internship is issued.

Internship organized by the University

The student applies to the University for assistance in arranging the location of the internship. Students who want the place and date of the professional internship to be determined by the University are required to send their CVs (file name: first name, last name, field of study) containing consent to the processing of personal data to the following e-mail address:

Credit in the framework of professional work

Credit for a student’s professional internship is possible provided that the duties performed at the job are related to the chosen field of study. For this purpose, the “Application for credit for professional internship” should be filled out and, together with attachments (e.g. certificate from the workplace, employment certificate, employment contracts, civil law contracts, documents confirming self-employment, internship or volunteer contracts, description of work experience, job description, scopes of duties – confirmed by the employer), should be submitted to the Office of Rector and Student Services (1st floor) – as soon as possible after the beginning of studies.

The student must self-insure against accidents, the insurance must cover the entire period of professional internship. A copy of the Personal Accident Insurance Policy must be submitted with the Application for Practice Placement or on the day of receipt of the Tripartite Agreement.

Each time after completing a professional internship, the Student shall provide the Career and Student Affairs Office with the following documents:

  • Tripartite agreement for professional internship – Copy for the University
  • Attendance lists (a separate list for each month of professional internship completion)
  • Opinion of the practice organizer
  • Professional Internship Diary
  • Completed Questionnaire: Implementation and Evaluation of Practices
  • Completed Survey: Evaluation of Professional Internship by Employer
  • Report on the implementation of professional internships
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