After mobility

After mobility

The student is obliged to settle accounts for the mobility scholarship with the University Erasmus+ Coordinator (Center of Projects and International Cooperation) in accordance with the signed agreement and the “Rules on the allocating of funds and the financing of student mobility of WSEI  University” for the 2024/2025 academic year.

  1. In Center of Projects and International Cooperation (I floor, room 103):
    • the student settling STUDIES abroad is obliged to:
      • submit the original certificate (hard copy) of credits and exams obtained at the host university (Transcript of Records);
      • submit a certificate (hard copy) of residence at the host university containing the dates of commencement and completion of studies;
      • submit the „Learning Agreement″ through Online Learning Agreement platform;
      • submit through Online Learning Agreement platform, the “After Mobility” document concerning the implementation of the studies program assumptions along with the assessment;
      • complete the language proficiency test in the online tool indicated by the University after completing the mobility (except for people for whom a given language is the mother tongue);
      • complete the Participant’s Report on-line
    • the student settling TRAINEESHIP abroad is obliged to:
      • submit a certificate (hard copy)  of traineeships containing the dates of commencement and completion of the traineeships;
      • submit the “Learning Agreement”;
      • submit the “After Mobility” document concerning the implementation of the traineeships program assumptions along with the assessment;
      • complete the language proficiency test in the online tool indicated by the University after completing the mobility (except for people for whom a given language is the mother tongue);
      • complete the Participant’s Report on-line
  2. Failure to implement or to a large extent incomplete implementation of the agreed study plan in the document “Learning Agreement”, due to the student’s fault, may result in the cancellation of the contract and the student’s need to return the full or partial amount of the Erasmus + grant.
  3. Non-settlement or incomplete settlement of the scholarship mobility due to the student’s fault causes the necessity to return the full or partial amount of the subsidy within 14 days from the date of receipt of the request for reimbursement.
  4. On the basis of the documentation submitted by the student, the university will make the financial settlement of the grant in accordance with the rules of the Erasmus + program.


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