Student Council

We represent students not only before the authorities of the University, but also outside the University, having in mind both external institutions in Lublin, Poland and even outside the country.

The Student Council has had its fair share of successes and important experiences. The membership is constantly expanding and changing for the better. Training and integration trips are organized. Therefore, the quality of our representation of the whole multitude of students of WSEI University, the functioning of the team and the way of organizing undertakings – is improving year by year moving to a higher level. For the Student Council, important issues are not only didactics and the scope of education, or social and welfare issues. Also important is the individual development and quality of students’ functioning. Therefore, student representatives meet the difficulties arising from everyday academic life, so that all the inconveniences are felt as little as possible or – according to the possibilities – eliminated.


  • Activating students
  • Shaping student life
  • Supporting important and interesting initiatives (not only student initiatives)
  • Promoting charitable actions and active participation in them
  • Cultural development through numerous projects
  • Cooperation with other universities
  • Pro-social activities

What matters to us is the welfare of the students – and as the so-called “body”, which includes all students, we strive to make the atmosphere of studying, staying and participating in university life as pleasant and at the highest possible level.

The WSEI University Student Council acts as a self-governing assembly, a student union and an animator of student culture.

We are open to all initiatives. We are happy to receive advice and assistance. Activity in the Student Council of WSEI University is a unique opportunity to develop passions and interests, as well as a chance to gain experience and acquire practical skills that are nowadays so desired by employers.

If you want to spend your time actively during your studies, actively participate in the life of the university, gain experience that will help you in the future – come forward!

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