Boosting Business Intelligence Skills for SME Growth (BI4SME)

Project implemented under the Erasmus+ Programme KA220-VET – vocational education

Boosting Business Intelligence Skills for SME Growth (BI4SME)

Implementation period

01.02.2022 - 31.07.2024

Project objective

The Boosting Business Intelligence Skills for SME Growth project “BI4SME” aims to develop an integrated training strategy for the use of Business Intelligence skills by SMEs. The project results will impact the skills of its participants by improving their competences in data analysis. The implementation of new tools, adapted to the needs of non-IT professionals, will provide them with an innovative educational experience in Business Intelligence skills, which will be tailored specifically to SME employees.

Target groups

  • European entrepreneurs, mainly from SMEs and start-ups;
  • SME associations and start-up incubators; early stage entrepreneurs;
  • MBA students and graduates;
  • colleges and universities offering MBA studies;
  • vocational education and training centres focused on technical careers, such as computer science, business analytics, big data, etc.;
  • VET school associations.

Project results

  1. A knowledge package on the potential of Business Intelligence tools tailored to non-IT professionals, especially those working in SMEs;
  2. Educational materials compliant with ECVET standards, addressed to professionals, non-IT management staff working in SMEs. The set will include a curriculum, a guide for trainers, lesson plans and educational exercises;
  3. BI4SME online courses – available to SME representatives interested in expanding their knowledge in the field of BI.

Project partners

  1. Amaris España Estrategia e Inovacion Tecnologica, S.L., Spain
  2. Association StartUps (APSU), Portugal
  3. Synthesis Center for Research and Education Limited, Cyprus
  4. iED, Greece
  5. Community Development Institute (CDI), North Macedonia
  6. University of Economics and Innovation in Lublin, Poland


More information about the project on the BI4SME website:

More information about the project on Linkedin:

Access to online courses:


Centre of Projects and International Cooperation
Tel. 081 749 32 49

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