Financial Gender Language: Financial Literacy and Behavior of Women and Men and the Language of the Financial Domain

A research project that received funding from the National Science Centre under the “OPUS-22” competition

Financial Gender Language: Financial Literacy and Behavior of Women and Men and the Language of the Financial Domain

Implementation period

22.05.2022 - 30.06.2025

Amount of subsidy

441 945,00 PLN

Project objective

The scientific goal of the project is to investigate the linguistic basis of the mechanism and to propose gender-unbiased measures of financial knowledge and financial behavior.

Planned activities

  1. Stage one – Its aim will be to collect the material necessary to develop measurement instruments (literacy and financial behavior) and educational material.
  2. In the second stage, instruments for measuring literacy and financial behavior will be designed and initially tested.
  3. In the third stage, a short educational material will be designed. Both it and the measurement instruments will be designed in three versions: one will use language borrowed from women, the other from men, while the third will be linguistically undetermined by gender.
  4. In the fourth stage of the study, a questionnaire will be sent to a representative sample of the adult Polish population, aimed at collecting data on their literacy and financial behavior. Three language versions of the questionnaire (language specific to women, men and undetermined by gender) will be randomly assigned to respondents.
  5. In the fifth stage, respondents randomly assigned to the experimental group will be exposed to educational impact (with a randomly selected language version of education), after which the entire sample (including both the experimental and control groups) will be subjected to a second assessment of literacy and financial behavior.
  6. In the sixth stage, the questionnaire on financial literacy and behavior will be administered to respondents for the third time, with the control group respondents receiving financial education immediately after this third wave of the questionnaire survey.
  7. In the seventh stage, the data collected through the questionnaire will be processed using appropriate statistical and econometric tools (quantitative research) to investigate the role of language in both financial literacy and behavior, particularly in the context of gender, as well as the difference between literacy and behavior.
  8. The eighth stage is a quantitative study, processing the data collected through the questionnaire using statistical methods and econometric models.

Project results

Three scientific articles summarizing the project results


Center for Projects and International Cooperation
Tel. 081 749 32 49

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