Institute of Public Administration and Business (WSEI University)invite you to the training New Public Management. The aim of the training is to present the tools of new public management (NPM) in public administration to increase its economy and efficiency. NPM is a management model striving for measurable social and economic effects and improving the quality of public services.
NPM is a management doctrine in public administration, derived from the theory of economics, but applied directly in practice. It means a transition from administration, based on rigid procedures and political influence (the so-called bureaucratic model), to management based on the economic assessment of operational efficiency and the use of market mechanisms (the so-called managerial model). The concept of NPM appeared in the 1980s in anglo-saxon countries as one of the consequences of the economic crisis of the previous decade, and at the same time the growing importance of the services market and consumer expectations as to their quality. This translated into an increase in society’s requirements also in proceses to public services.
The reasons for adopting the solutions proposed by the NPM also include an attempt to slow down or reverse the growth tendencies of the administration with regard to its excessive spending and excess employment. The economic crisis and the need to constantly increase competitiveness in economic activity also entail changes in the functioning of public administration. Solutions derived from business practice, also known in economic theory, appear in it more and more often. Initially, they were referred to as „new public governance” and are now being developed as the „co-management concept”. The growing interest in the NPM concept used in practice was supported by numerous scientific studies and a series of publications by the organization for economic co-operation and development (oecd) in the public management service (puma) series.
The issue includes incl.:
The training is aimed at public sector employees, students and researchers from countries cooperating with the WSEI University under erasmus plus contracts. The training project is the result of scientific research of employees of the discipline of political science and administration within the institute of public administration and business and the strategy for the development of the discipline of "political science and administration".
Free event available
WSEI University
4 Projektowa St.,
20-209 Lublin