The conference summarizes the cooperation of the Institute of Public Administration and Business of the WSEI University of Lublin with universities and scientists from 15 countries representing 50 academic institutions as part of the process of internationalization of universities in three areas: teaching, projects and scientific involvement.
This is the 16th edition of the Conference, which at the same time constitutes a summary of the cooperation of the WSEI Institute of Public Administration and Business with universities and scientists from 15 countries representing 50 academic centres as part of the process of internationalisation of the University in three areas: teaching, projects and scientific cooperation. The University's Development Strategy and the correlated strategy for the development of the Institute of Public Administration and Business, as well as individual scientific disciplines, involve the staff in national and international scientific activities and research programmes, establishing cooperation with foreign scientific centres (participation in international projects, joint research), and establishing cooperation with leading scientific journals.
The conference aims to demonstrate the process of breaking free from a narrow approach to complex issues, established within a single field of knowledge, and the many research limitations that result. The planned presentations, as well as the panel discussions, are the result of scientific cooperation both at the interface of different disciplines and collaboration between different universities, as well as the wider business (business practice).
Interdisciplinarity as a postulate for the study of reality beyond the limits of scientific disciplines is an important added value, because the analysis of the studied reality from the perspective of different scientific branches broadens, deepens, modifies and clarifies the research results, which is extremely developmental and beneficial for science. Interdisciplinarity is both going beyond a particular discipline, the one represented by the researcher, and considering a particular topic from different perspectives (e.g. economics, administrative and political sciences, management or computer and telecommunications). Reflections on interdisciplinary research allow us to conclude that it requires increasingly complex methods for conducting empirical research. This necessity results, among other things, from the dynamics of the surrounding reality, the unification processes of scientific disciplines, as well as the progressive digitisation and automation of social processes, which implies a modern understanding and explanation of constantly changing social and economic phenomena.
The purpose of the conference, therefore, is to exchange experience and knowledge on modern solutions for entrepreneurship, digital transformation and the implementation of innovations in companies and public institutions. The conference - as every year - gathers experts from the world of science, business and public institutions, enabling fruitful discussions and building valuable contacts.
The conference will also provide an excellent platform for meeting representatives of science, public institutions and practitioners of economic life from Europe, Africa and Asia, who will debate the trends and challenges facing the modern economy in the era of digitalisation, globalisation of international processes and the development of artificial intelligence with a special focus on Industry 4.0.
At the turn of the second and third decades of the 21st century, a widespread sense of uncertainty and unpredictability has become a determining factor in the functioning of the global economy, forcing companies to adapt to changing conditions.
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The conference fee of PLN 1200.00 includes:
Publication of the text in the Monograph without participation in the conference: 500 PLN.
There is an additional possibility, depending on the topic, to submit an article (e.g. second) according to the price list to:
The conference fee should be transferred to the account:
Bank BRE o/Lublin 06 1140 1094 0000 2027 6900 1026
Address: Lublin Academy WSEI, ul. Projektowa 4, 20-209 Lublin
In the transfer title, enter: "Entrepreneurship", First name and last name of the conference participant.
Applications are made only electronically using a dedicated application form.
March 25, 2025 – registration for participation in the conference.
March 25, 2025 - deadline for paying the conference fee.
"*" indicates required fields
Artificial Intelligence in the Analysis of the Ministerial List of Scientific Journals, Prof. dr hab. Valery Okulicz-Kazaryn dr H.C., Head of East European Scientific Group, Akademia Humanitas w Sosnowcu, Polska
Entrepreneurship in the age of globalisation and innovation management
Social and ethical aspects of new technologies
Industry 4.0 - new technologies in production, business and management
Security, digital transformation and technology development in business
Competences of the future in Industry 4.0 on the example of the international project: Industry 4.0 upskilling for SMEs (I4U)
• dr Sylwester Bogacki, prof. Akademii WSEI – przewodniczący komitetu
• dr Sylwia Skrzypek-Ahmed – sekretarz konferencji, Akademia WSEI
• dr hab. Tomasz Wołowiec, prof. Akademii WSEI– sekretarz konferencji, Akademia WSEI
• mgr Renata Wybacz
• mgr Anna Szawara
All conference participants will receive professional certificates of participation in the 16th international scientific conference.
WSEI University
4 Projektowa St.,
20-209 Lublin