Institute of Psychology and Human Sciences

Institute of Psychology and Human Sciences

Institute of Psychology and Human Sciences

The Institute of Psychology and Human Sciences at WSEI University is a place where a deep understanding of the human mind and behavior is a priority. Our institute is not only an academic center, but also a space open to research, reflection and development in the field of psychology.

Research conducted at the institute focuses on understanding human behavior, thought processes and social interactions. We collaborate with various institutions, community organizations and health care facilities, which enables us to put our research findings into practice. The Institute of Psychology and Human Sciences is where we combine theory and practice, developing the full potential of our students and fostering the development of knowledge about humans and their psyches.

Research area

The institute carries out scientific research in psychology, pedagogy and health and medical sciences in the broadest sense. Its tasks include the recognition and evaluation of environmental, psychological and biological determinants of human health or the assessment of the sanitary-epidemiological state of the population (especially at the local level). On the basis of his own research, preparation of programs in the field of prevention and health promotion, health education, psychosocial rehabilitation, along with theoretical support for their implementation. The main areas of scientific activity are:

  • Psychoprophylaxis and health prevention,
  • Educational psychology and family psychology,
  • Psychology of human development and support of developmental changes across the life span,
  • Diagnosis and support of gifted and highly vulnerable children,
  • Risk factors and protective factors in problem behaviors of adolescents,
  • Psychology of transportation
  • Neuropsychology and neurolinguistics,
  • Psychology of health and disease,
  • Health promotion and education,
  • Special pedagogy and geragogy,
  • Health care policy, administration and organization.

The main goals and tasks of the Institute of Psychology and Human Sciences are:

  • conducting high-quality scientific research,
  • implementation of research projects,
  • cooperation with renowned scientific and scientific and didactic centers,
  • organization, co-organization and active participation in scientific conferences at home and abroad,
  • increasing the number of publications in high-scoring scientific journals,
  • representing the university in international and national scientific associations and societies.


Head of Institute of Psychology and Human Sciences



Employees of the institute - Discipline: Health Sciences

















Mirosław J.


















Employees of the institute - Discipline: Psychology





Zbigniew B.
























Scientific projects

High sensitivity - and career path design

Implementation period:

2021– 2024

Financing institution:


Project manager:

dr Monika Baryła–Matejczuk


The aim of the project is to develop a tool to support counseling/career development that can be used both at the secondary school level, vocational schools, university career offices as well as labor market and HR institutions.


  • Learners – at the stage of career choice, job seekers/changers, long-term unemployed;
  • School career counselors, academic counselors, representing labor market institutions;
  • HR departments in enterprises;
  • Institutional partners: labor market institutions, career offices, schools, employers;


  • An international report on the management of highly vulnerable people in the workplace supported by quantitative and qualitative focus interviews with employers and employees in the partner countries of Poland, Spain, Romania, Norway, Italy and Portugal,
  • A model for supporting highly vulnerable people in the workplace – an introduction to the materials developed as part of the project,
  • A tool to support career planning/development – vulnerability in the workplace,
  • Handbook and exercise materials for career counselors,
  • Handbook for HR and podcasts introducing the topic of high vulnerability to employers

High sensitivity - an innovative module in human sciences

Implementation period:

2020– 2023

Financing institution:


Project manager:

dr Monika Baryła–Matejczuk

The aim of the project “High sensitivity – innovative module in human sciences” is the cooperation at the academic level of partners from Poland, Italy, Spain and Romania in the area of high sensitivity. Following the pioneering research of Prof. E. Arron from the USA, the consortium is planning, activities related to scientific research on sensitivity of sensory processing and environmental sensitivity (i.e. sensitivity to stimuli of various origins), in partner countries and their use in practice, as a module included in the curriculum of studies. The proposed activities introduce an innovative, hitherto untaken topic at the academic level both in Poland and in partner countries. The recipients of the planned activities are the universities participating in the project, i.e. the University of Economics and Innovation in Lublin, the University of Alicante and the partner universities cooperating with the City of Rome, the Experts Psy Association, which will support the implementation of the project as well as teaching staff interested in the topic of high sensitivity and students.

Development of:

  1. Guide – Introduction to the High Sensitivity Module, which explains the basic concepts, defines the formal, legal, organizational possibilities of incorporating the topic of high sensitivity as a module in the various study programs related to the human sciences in Poland, Spain, Romania and Italy.
  2. The program of the module on high sensitivity – forming the basis for the implementation of the course on high sensitivity, expanding the curriculum in the fields of pedagogy, psychology or nursing for partner universities and other academic centers interested in implementing the course on high sensitivity.
  3. Academic textbook – High sensitivity : describing basic issues on sensitivity of sensory processing and environmental sensitivity, introducing research in the above area, developed tools and methods to support academic staff interested in implementing a high sensitivity module.
  4. A library of multimedia resources in 5 languages, providing a resource of teaching materials for both future instructors and students.

Teaching computational thinking through a mobile application for elementary school students

Implementation period:

2020– 2023

Financing institution:


Project manager:

dr Robert Porzak, prof. WSEI

The aim of the project is to develop and disseminate on a European scale a high-quality mobile game that will combine the concepts of Computational Thinking and Serious Game. Computational Thinking is a problem-solving method that uses analysis and the use of computational algorithms (similar to those used by a computer). The purpose of “serious games” goes beyond mere entertainment. They solve real-world problems, such as those in education, health, management or urban planning. Serious games also include training simulators and programs addressing important social issues. Implementing the above methods to support the teaching and thinking of elementary school students will help teachers support students’ competencies and skills in innovative ways.

The Perfect Game. Improve didactics, education and teaching in higher education using a game creator for serious games

Implementation period:

2020– 2022

Financing institution:


Project manager:

dr Robert Porzak, prof. WSEI


The purpose of the project is to develop a tool – a wizard for preparing games based on the concept of serious games (solving real problems), which will be used in the didactic process ( for various majors and programs of study


  • Teaching staff of partner organizations
  • Students, pupils involved in the project, testing the usefulness of the developed materials


  • Report on the use of serious games in the educational process in higher education,
  • Preparation of a serious games creator by a technological partner from Germany
  • Preparation of teaching materials – scenarios for serious games (various subjects) by project partners,
  • Drafting a manual for teaching staff – use of project products in practice,
  • Preparation of recommendations (after testing the developed games) – EU level

Games as a tool for teaching social skills

Implementation period:

2020– 2022

Financing institution:


Project manager:

dr Robert Porzak, prof. WSEI


Nowadays, young people use online computer games not only for entertainment, but also to escape from difficult and stressful situations in real life. In addition, spending more and more time in front of the computer is causing young people to miss out on important skills needed both to cope with basic life situations and to make new social contacts. Therefore, the goal of this project is to use computer games and the time young people spend on them to develop interpersonal skills among them, increase self-confidence and improve self-esteem. To this end, tools will be developed for teachers, youth workers to assess the level of social interaction and self-esteem of young people. In addition, the goal of the project is to develop a set of game-based exercises that will help young people gain the social competencies and skills needed in real life.


The participants of the project will be two groups of young people from Norway, Poland, Italy, Spain and Turkey, who will take part in testing the developed tools and solutions.


  • To make the public aware of the possibilities of using the passion for playing computer games to improve youth work, especially with young people with low levels of social interaction and self-esteem.
  • Development of tools (tests and instructional materials) to assess the level of experience in interacting with other people, frequency of social participation, self-confidence and level of self-esteem among youth.
  • Improve methodologies for teachers, youth workers involved in teaching youth who lack important social and interpersonal skills.
  • Development and publication of a manual containing good practices on how to effectively use the developed exercises to improve social skills among youth using games.

International campaign for students to adapt multicultural activities

Implementation period:

2020– 2022

Financing institution:


Project manager:

dr Robert Porzak, prof. WSEI


The goal of the project is to create a network of universities, to develop a common model of support for international students and useful tools to help them adapt in a new cultural environment. Implementation of the project will help strengthen the international character of universities from countries less attractive to students, building on the experience of more attractive countries.


The project is aimed at international and other university students, lecturers teaching international students, coordinators of mobility programs at universities and other university staff working with students from other countries.



  1. Support model for international students – will be developed in cooperation with representatives of the target group based on good practices defined in partner countries. The model will take into account 3 aspects of intercultural adaptation, i.e.:

A1. the perspective of the university: needs, challenges, good practices

A2. the perspective of domestic students

A3. the perspective of foreign students

  1. “Do’s and dont’s” handbook for university staff working with international students, containing useful instructions for conduct and behavior, the so-called international “savoir vivre” for university lecturers, coordinators of mobility programs at universities and administrative staff who work with international students. The manual will be prepared in an accessible form, and its universality will make it suitable for use by any university.
  2. Welcome guide for international students, responding to the needs defined in the project. It will be created as a result of numerous meetings with new international students, domestic students and university lecturers.
  3. Interactive materials: edugraphs for students and university staff. An essential addition to the prepared guides, will be graphics developed in interactive form, placed on the project website. The visual presentation of useful information for students and university employees will increase the functionality of the developed materials, including through the possibility of using edugraphs on mobile devices.

Science Support for Active Seniors

Implementation period:

2020– 2022

Financing institution:


Project manager:

dr Robert Porzak, prof. WSEI

The project responds to the need for interest and social involvement of older people in the field of science, mathematics, engineering and technology (STEM). The project is consistent with the need to develop innovative tools supporting the activity of seniors, the development of their knowledge, skills and thus raising the level of self-esteem and quality of life.

The project objective will be achieved by:

  • Providing scientific staff with appropriate skills and methods to effectively transfer scientific knowledge to older people,
  • Activating older people by encouraging them to pass on the knowledge they have acquired in their local communities, which would aim to counteract social exclusion and raise their self-esteem,
  • Developing new methods of teaching older people, which can also be used on an international scale.


Scientific staff aged 35+ with at least 5 years of experience in a given field of exact sciences, Senior citizens aged 60+ who are retired, Adults interested in using the game in their work or developing competences in the field of exact sciences PROJECT RESULTS: Preparation of a set of tools “Science for Active Aging” developing skills in the field of exact sciences, mathematics, engineering and technology (STEM) in a way accessible to adults, Development of the game “Science in your Life” for mobile devices that will allow testing of various scenarios of using exact sciences in everyday life, addressed to recipients in different age groups. Preparation of teaching methods based on the developed game for scientific and research staff participating in the activation of seniors “Science for All” workshops in each of the partner countries, where seniors will have the opportunity to pass on their acquired knowledge.

Spring of autumn – about the quality of life of older people

Implementation period:

2020– 2021

Financing institution:


Project manager:

dr Jacek Łukasiewicz

The project’s activities aim to analyze attitudes towards older people and characterize the image of a senior from selected psychological characteristics such as: personality, sense of meaning in life, self-esteem. Thanks to a thorough analysis based on the conducted research, it is possible to eliminate from society behaviors towards older people that negatively affect their self-esteem and quality of life. The project is aimed at young people, middle-aged people and seniors, as well as at entities cooperating with older people, e.g. social welfare homes, clinics, senior clubs, health centers, schools, universities, scientific circles.

Palliative Home Care Distance Learning

Implementation period:

2019– 2022

Financing institution:


Project manager:

dr Joanna Girzelska

THE OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT is to improve the quality of palliative care at home by providing a modular online training on an e-learning platform. The training will include instructional videos, interactive courses and training materials created for adults by a group of specialists from Europe. The project is dedicated to relatives of palliative patients who act as their home caregivers, but do not have specialist knowledge on this topic, as well as employees of social and palliative care centers and hospice workers, who will have access to a set of materials based on the knowledge of experts from different countries. Developed products:

  • A STUDY ON THE EDUCATIONAL NEEDS of caregivers of patients staying at home or in a hospice center, based on information from 5 countries: Turkey, Poland, Italy, Bulgaria, and Romania.
  • A TRAINING PROGRAM, available on an online platform, developed by a team of professionals, consisting of 15 modules. The educational modules contain theoretical content in the form of downloadable materials and educational videos supporting the theoretical material.
  • TEACHERS’ MANUAL regarding necessary information on using the platform, applied methods of assessment and measurement of knowledge, etc.
  • TRAINING PARTICIPANT’S MANUAL is an instruction for training participants, containing general information about the course, the registration process, short information on how to use the digital platform (how to open an account, how to register and obtain a password, etc.)

E-MOTION – hypersensitivity potential

Implementation period:

2018– 2021

Financing institution:


Project manager:

dr Monika Baryła–Matejczuk

The main objective of the project is to develop, test and implement a comprehensive support model for highly sensitive children of preschool and early school age. This is the first project in Poland focused on supporting highly sensitive children, developed by researchers. Attention is paid to the key role of the closest environment (including parents and teachers) in creating conditions for the proper development of highly sensitive children.


  • Development of a comprehensive support model for highly sensitive children of preschool and early school age.
  • Development of an online platform containing a set of questionnaires/rating scales and educational and support materials for working with highly sensitive children for teaching staff and parents.
  • Organization of workshops for teaching staff at international and national levels by each partner institution.
  • Development of a psychometric manual for the tool. Development of a compendium of knowledge (with a guide) on high sensitivity for teaching staff and parents.

Activities supporting the quality of home education

Implementation period:

2018– 2021

Financing institution:


Project manager:

dr Jacek Łukasiewicz

The main objective of the project is to develop teaching materials using modern information and communication technologies and the experience of European institutions supporting home education. The developed tools and teaching aids are dedicated to experts dealing with home education, academics, teachers, pedagogues and parents taking care of students aged 6-10.

Developed products:

  • ANALYSIS OF NEEDS IN HOME EDUCATION – a report published in scientific journals and in the form of an e-book;
  • MODULAR TRAINING – available on an online platform containing educational materials for pedagogues and parents involved in home education;
  • WORKSHOPS/SEMINARS – information on the problems and challenges of home education for parents and teaching staff;
  • ARTICLE presenting the situation of home education in partner countries through the eyes of pedagogues experienced in individual teaching;
  • TEXTBOOK – presenting the problems and challenges of home education in Europe;

Pathways to Inclusive Pedagogy

Implementation period:

2018– 2021

Financing institution:


Project manager:

dr Adam Raczkowski

The project aims to exchange knowledge and experiences of experienced teachers and future teachers in the field of inclusive education. The project will develop tools and video materials supporting the preparation and professional development of teachers and students of pedagogy, as well as teaching materials for inclusive pedagogy. Project partner meetings will be held as part of the organization of study visits to schools and educational institutions (including special schools) in all partner countries: Poland, Belgium, Sweden, Great Britain, France, Malta.

Improvement Science Training for European Healthcare Workers (ISTEW)

Implementation period:

2013– 2015

Financing institution:


Project manager:

Opis projektu:
Opracowanie wspólnych programów nauczania z dziedziny „Nauki o doskonaleniu opieki zdrowotnej”, bazujących na wiedzy praktycznej, które umożliwią uniwersytetom europejskim budowanie własnego potencjału oraz podnoszenie wiedzy i umiejętności studentów i pracowników służby zdrowia w krajach partnerskich projektu;

Cele szczegółowe i główne działania w ramach projektu:

  • Wymiana wiedzy i doświadczeń na temat doskonalenia opieki zdrowotnej pomiędzy partnerami ze Szkocji, Anglii, Słowenii, Polski, Rumunii, Hiszpanii oraz Włoch;
  • Uczestnictwo w badaniu prowadzonym z wykorzystaniem metody delfickiej, mającej na celu wyprowadzenie definicji „Nauki o doskonaleniu opieki zdrowotnej”. Do udziału w badaniu zostanie zaproszonych 10 ekspertów: dyrektorów szpitali, lekarzy, pielęgniarek itp.;
  • Zebranie, przegląd i analiza informacji, dokumentów odnoszących się do nauczania w dziedzinie doskonalenia opieki zdrowotnej w państwach uczestniczących w projekcie z uwzględnieniem: kryteriów wejściowych/ warunków wstępnych, programów nauczania, treści modułów, efektów uczenia się i kryteriów oceny na wszystkich poziomach nauczania;
  • Analiza luk występujących pomiędzy dostępnym kierunkami studiów/ kursami/szkoleniami, jak również identyfikacja materiałów źródłowych, które mogą zostać wykorzystane w opracowywanych w ramach projektu modułów;
  • Opracowanie międzynarodowego podręcznika z dziedziny „Nauki o doskonaleniu opieki zdrowotnej” – opracowane w ramach projektu materiały powinny być możliwe do wykorzystania w studiach na poziomie licencjackim i magisterskim oraz powinny umożliwić studentom zdobycie 10 punktów ECTS. W ramach projektu opracowane zostaną 4 moduły:
    1. System thinking and process mapping,
    2. Models for improvement,
    3. Measurment for improvement,
    4. Communication and managing change;
  • Promocja rezultatów projektu – modułów opracowanych w ramach projektu – szerszemu spektrum odbiorców: innym uniwersytetom, organizacjom, instytucjom, decydentom politycznym.

Grupy docelowe:

  • wykładowcy specjalizujący się w dziedzinie ochrony zdrowia;
  • specjaliści z dziedziny ochrony zdrowia (pracownicy służby zdrowia);
  • studenci studiów licencjackich i magisterskich na kierunkach: ochrona zdrowia, zdrowie publiczne, pielęgniarstwo, medycyna i pokrewne;
  • stowarzyszenia lekarzy, pielęgniarek;
  • ministerstwa zdrowia państw uczestniczących w projekcie;
  • decydenci polityczni w państwach partnerskich projektu.

Partnerzy projektu:

  • University of the West of Scotland (UWS), Szkocja – Lider projektu;
  • Coventry University, Anglia;
  • College of Nursing, Słowenia;
  • Wyższa Szkoła Ekonomii i Innowacji w Lublinie, Polska;
  • University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Gr.T.Popa”, Rumunia;
  • University of Alicante, Hiszpania;
  • Sapienza University of Rome, Włochy;

Project description:

Development of joint curricula in the field of “Healthcare Excellence Science”, based on practical knowledge, which will enable European universities to build their own capacity and improve the knowledge and skills of students and healthcare professionals in the project partner countries;

Specific objectives and main activities of the project:

  • Exchange of knowledge and experiences on healthcare excellence between partners from Scotland, England, Slovenia, Poland, Romania, Spain and Italy;
  • Participation in a study conducted using the Delphi method, aimed at deriving a definition of “Healthcare Excellence Science”. 10 experts will be invited to participate in the study: hospital directors, doctors, nurses, etc.;
  • Collection, review and analysis of information, documents related to healthcare excellence education in the countries participating in the project, taking into account: entry criteria/prerequisites, curricula, module content, learning outcomes and assessment criteria at all levels of education;
  • Analysis of gaps between available fields of study/courses/trainings, as well as identification of source materials that can be used in modules developed within the project;
  • Development of an international textbook in the field of “Healthcare Improvement Science” – the materials developed within the project should be possible to use in studies at the bachelor’s and master’s level and should allow students to gain 10 ECTS points. The project will develop 4 modules:
    1. System thinking and process mapping,
    2. Models for improvement,
    3. Measurement for improvement,
    4. Communication and managing change;
  • Promotion of the project results – modules developed within the project – to a wider range of recipients: other universities, organizations, institutions, policy makers.

Target groups:

  • lecturers specializing in the field of health care;
  • specialists in the field of health care (healthcare workers);
  • students of bachelor’s and master’s degrees in the fields of health care, public health, nursing, medicine and related fields;
  • associations of doctors, nurses;
  • health ministries of the project countries;
  • policy makers in the project partner countries.

Project partners:

  • University of the West of Scotland (UWS), Scotland – Project leader;
  • Coventry University, England;
  • College of Nursing, Slovenia;
  • University of Economics and Innovation in Lublin, Poland;
  • University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Gr.T.Popa”, Romania;
  • University of Alicante, Spain;
  • Sapienza University of Rome, Italy;

Improving the research and digital competences of Academic Circle of Psychology Students "INNOVATION" in response to the COVID pandemic

Implementation period:

2011– 2022

Financing institution:


Project manager:

dr Monika Baryła–Matejczuk

The aim of the project is to improve the research and digital competences of students of the scientific club in response to sudden, important and unforeseen social and civilizational phenomena (COVID-19 pandemic). In order to achieve this goal, research will be developed and conducted on the strategies and actions taken by students of various fields of study to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. The research will cover students of various fields of study. A psychological characteristic of various groups of students related to their actions in the pandemic situation will be developed (including strategies, methods, tools they use to cope with the situation of isolation) in the context of psychological characteristics. The area of ​​interest also includes the issue of remote learning. The aim of the research is to develop recommendations for supporting students and introduce preventive measures – an information strategy. Such goals will allow students to acquire competences in the field of developing a research project, preparing a detailed methodology, developing and purchasing research tools, preparing online research using modern technologies (with attention to the ethics of the conducted research), as well as conducting research, developing results, and disseminating them.

Project: "Family Health Nursing in European Communities" - FamNrsE - Family Health Nursing in EU Countries

Implementation period:

2011– 2013

Financing institution:


Project manager:

dr hab. M. Jarosz, dr M. Głowacka

General objective:

Development of common academic curricula for the preparation and introduction of the FHN (family health nursing) specialty in Europe under the auspices of WHO.

Specific objectives and assumptions of the project:

  • Development of a transparent and clear definition of family health nursing in partner countries in order to unify the scope of competences of nurses in accordance with the education standards in individual countries;
  • Development of teaching modules for the family health nursing course at bachelor’s and master’s level; pilot implementation and evaluation;
  • Definition of common standards of education and practical preparation of family health nurses for the profession;
  • International exchange of knowledge and experience on professional competences and scope of activities of family and community nurses in partner countries in order to ensure a high level of health care;
  • Promotion and intensification of cooperation, based on partnership, between decision-makers, academia and nurses working in the profession at the European level.

Target group of the project:

  • Decision-makers, entities operating in the field of management and promotion of health care;
  • Health care facilities, health care institutions;
  • Academic staff/trainers, lecturers;
  • Nurses;
  • Societies of EU countries participating in the project.

SKK - School of Key Competencies: supporting teachers in developing competences and self-awareness of secondary school students in Poland

Implementation period:

01.10.2007 – 31.12.2014 r.

Financing institution:


Project manager:

dr hab. Zbigniew Gaś, prof. Akademii WSEI

The School of Key Competencies is a supra-regional project aimed at developing the skills of students of secondary schools in central, south-western and eastern Poland.

The general objective of the project was to raise the level of Key Competencies of students of secondary schools in the following voivodeships: Opole, Kuyavian-Pomeranian, Lower Silesia, Greater Poland, Lublin, Podlaskie, Podkarpackie, Świętokrzyskie and Mazovia, enabling them to actively participate in the labor market and the knowledge-based economy.

The specific objective of the Project was:

  • to support the process of developing the level of Key Competencies of 8,000 students from 80 schools as part of the curriculum;
  • to increase access to extracurricular, complementary, effective and innovative forms of developing Key Competencies:
    • Holiday Science Camps,
    • Scientific Clubs,
    • Study of Competent Leaders,
    • Simulation Enterprise;
  • supporting teachers in creating and implementing the didactic process based on proprietary programs that take into account the development of Key Competencies in the teaching of mathematics and natural sciences, ICT, foreign languages ​​and entrepreneurship;
  • increasing cooperation and exchange of experiences between teachers
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