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dr n. med. Dorota Weber, prof. Akademii WSEI, MBA

dr n. med., prof. Akademii WSEI, MBA




Faculty of Human Sciences



dr n. med., prof. Akademii WSEI, MBA




Faculty of Human Sciences



Professional profile

She is a graduate of the Medical University of Warsaw, the Medical University of Lubin and the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin.

In 2016, she started her doctoral studies in the Department of Oncology and Environmental Health Care at the Faculty of Health Sciences at the Medical University of Lublin. She obtained her PhD in Medical and Health Sciences in the discipline of medical sciences on the basis of the presented dissertation, ‘Vitamin D levels in breast cancer patients with consideration of molecular features of the tumour’. She completed her Master of Business Administration (MBA) studies at the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin.

For 14 years, she worked professionally in inpatient care facilities, where she completed a number of specialist courses improving her qualifications and acquiring practical knowledge. She specialises in internal medicine nursing. She served as dean of the nursing faculty and was responsible for the opening of the first and second degrees of this faculty. In 2003, she founded her own DORIMED Health Prevention Centre and has been running it ever since.

Scientific profile

Research and teaching staff member employed as Professor at the university.

For several years, her interests have been focused in the areas of diagnostics at the molecular-cellular level, integrative medicine and treatment of the causes of obesity. She has authored and co-authored numerous scientific publications, monographs and scientific abstracts. She has participated in numerous scientific conferences as a member of the Scientific Committee and the Organising Committee .

Teaching experience

Many years of teaching experience at various levels of education, undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate, specialist courses.

Member of the Polish Society of Obesity Treatment.